A new animated television series entitled, Royalty is set to launch soon and is inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s union.
Royalty is about a royal family’s dynasty whose foundation is built on love, compassion, friendship, harmony, humanitarian services and more. The kindness and grace exuded by fictitious characters Prince Andrew and Princess Caroline are reflected in the humanity of the children throughout each heart-warming episodes.
Of the new series, creator Melanie Greene said: “As the creator I was inspired to produce elements that would belong to 2019 future, creating a stylish reality that was based on a familiar style from our real world; simplified purposefully, boiling down elements to their essence. The results are a welcoming environment that is intriguing, something we have never had in animation.”
“Perhaps the greatest lesson that the Royaltyanimation series holds is the idea that one should ‘keep moving forward,’ Greene adds.
“it’s something that I hope the audience will take away each week in there hearts, especially the kids, to help stay motivated, inspired, no matter what challenges life may present.”
The series will also be accompanied by more than 25 adorable and exciting children’s books. The animation characters was loosely based upon their Little Melaniechildren’s book series and kids entertainment franchise, which owns 250 well-written children books.
The Little Melanie characters were illustrated for the book series franchise more than 5 years ago. However it was Harry and Meghan’s love story that captured the creator’s hearts in creating this diverse fairytale for children all over the world.
Royalty is now in pre-production and will be coming to television screens soon.
Source: Voiceonline