Online Chat Show BKChatWorld which centres around a group of young ladies and gentlemen who hold lively debates on relevant topics and social issues, in a rather entertaining manner are back. The topic this week is titled “If you don’t cook for him, another woman will” How true is this?
Is this only an African believe and traditional values? In this day an age are men expected to clean as well? Has it got anything to do with the way we were raced? Watch them debate it out and also tell us what you think.
BKCHAT LND is a laid-back and modern spin on the traditional chat show format. Each week, a group of British boys and girls in their in their 20s gather in a kitchen to have interesting, dramatic and honest debates on everything from racism, love, sex, body image among other trivial topics.
You can also watch their previous episodes Here | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! FOR MORE AMAZING STORIES, FOLLOW US ON: Twitter: @African_Glitz Facebook: @AfricanGlitz Instagram: @AfricanGlit