Prof. Dr Pauline Long Celebrates Her Birthday In The Most Amazing Way

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Serial philanthropist and entrepreneur known for spreading and practising human love Prof. Dr. Pauline Long has declared 1st September HUMAN LOVE DAY, a day that she was born, a day that is very special to her. 

The media mogul shared with her fans and friends on her Facebook page, 

“This day stops being about me today and it officially becomes HUMAN LOVE DAY in the world calendar. Please do it for me, do it for us, do it for humanity, spread, preach and most important, practice human love. Do something good for someone today and every day. Happy, blessed birthday to me. Thank you, almighty God for letting me see today. Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude is all I have for you all amazing people that have been in my life from birth to date. God bless you all”. 

Let us continue spreading HUMAN LOVE” Prof. Dr Long, a truly loving woman to many, is known for supporting several community projects in the UK and abroad. 

She is an ambassador of several charities and the founder of Pauline Long Entrepreneurship Foundation. Through the foundation, she pays school fees for over 150 students in Africa, she supports around 80 football teams in Kenya and Malawi. Dr Long also distributes free sanitary pads to girls who can’t afford. However, what is really close to her heart is supporting widows and the elderly in Africa. 

Her foundation is currently building women’s centre for the over 100 women supported by Pauline Long Entrepreneurship Foundation.

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