Housemate Ozo has emerged as the third Head of House for the Big Brother Naija Lockdown edition.
Ozo officially became the first male Head of House following his win at the Monday night HOH games.
During the HOH games, the housemates played a board game that consisted of them rolling a dice as they progressed on the board.
Ozo emerged winner of the game as he was the first to complete the course in the allotted time before any housemate.
He was appointed the new Head of House by Biggie, which brought the end of the female grasp on the position previously held by Nengi and Lucy.
As customary, Ozo was asked to pick a debuty HoH who must be of different gender. After much pondering, he eventually picked his close friend in the house, Dorathy, as his deputy.
Ozo and Dorathy now have immunity for this year’s nomination as all the other housemates are currently up for eviction. They also get to enjoy the luxuries of the HoH lounge for the whole week.
Photo Credit: Instagram