Photos and videos from Davido’s son Ifeanyi’s second birthday have been spotted on his mum Chioma’s Instagram page Close friends and family members with their kids were in attendance to celebrate the latest 2-year-old in town. Sadly Davido was not spotted at the event.
Chioma celebrated her son Ifeanyi’s birthday in a beautiful way on the evening of Wednesday, October 20. The businesswoman organised a small house party for her son and it saw the attendance of some friends, close family members and their kids.
Jennifer, Chioma’s sister, revealed that the birthday party was organised with less than 24 hours notice, adding that her sister loves last-minute events.
The birthday boy was also seen in a jeans outfit with a lovely shoe to match. Ifeanyi’s long hair was plaited to the back for his birthday.
Davido and his crew members seemed to be absent at the party as they were not spotted in any of the videos and photos online.
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Davido however acknowledged his son’s 2nd Birthday on social media, writing a heartwarming message as a proud dad and expressing his love for the two-year-old.
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