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2016 is finally here. Wow. 2015 was a year of absorbing, assimilating, digesting and egesting. It was full of experiences. To some, it wasn’t a great year. But for me, I sincerely do not care about the bad things that happened to my family, and me or even those that happened in the country, I am telling you boldly and confidently: it was a fulfilling and a successful year. 

The Bible urges us to “Give Thanks in all things.” Whether you lost your job or your loved ones, you ought to thank God. Many lives were changed both positively as well as negatively. However, looking back, can you also say the same thing I am saying? Did you achieve your dreams? Was it your successful year? I tuned in to one radio station the other day and I heard a caller say that, 2015 was his worse year. I was gobsmacked. Upon all the beautiful things that happened, you cannot even look at one and thank God for it? What a churlish person!  

Now, we need to move away from the past and take steps in order to embrace our next level.  2016 has in store for us all the goodies you can think of. Nevertheless, focusing on the negative events of the past can easily make it hard to live and enjoy the New Year. Never allow the trouble memories of 2015 to make it hard for you step into your next level. 

You must let go of the past (2015) and find ways to define your future. One can agree with that, life experiences are tools that help us to prepare, shape and redirect our mind to open to accept the fact that, our past is our past. This is the time to make changes in our lives to by finding ways and means to achieve new levels of success and fulfilment. 

We must detach ourselves from the negative habits that have kept us tethered, broken and stagnated to unfulfilled dreams, goals, aspirations and broken promises. 

We don’t have to remain dormant in the New Year.

We need to examine ourselves to identify the potentials we carry within us and to believe in the dream and hope we have for ourselves.  What we do and the success we achieve in 2016 and beyond life will be determined by the decisions we make today. 

The directions of our dreams, purposes, goal and objectives are all rooted in the choices we make. Whether we listen to the negative comments of men to limit our dreams or depend on the leading of God to see our dream come true by making the right choices regardless of what other people may say or do. 

We should never allow discouraging words from men to stop us from becoming ourselves to glorify God. More often, people give up on their dreams because of what a man says to them. We sometimes get worry about other people’s opinion about us and we think they are right and we are wrong. 

Men will make us feel bad pursuing our dreams or makes us think that we are too much for ourselves. I would advise you to remain focus in the pursuit of your dream and become like a pregnant women in the labour ward about to birth her baby in 2016. Remember that, until the potential mother P.U.S.H harder and harder, the baby may not be able to come easily. 

You must see yourself as someone who is pregnant with ideas, dream, purpose, vision, aspirations and hope, about to give birth to that dream in 2016.  


PURSUE your dream.  One of the biggest limitations to achieving or stepping into one’s next level is fear. Fear pose as threat to the desire to pursue one vision.   



One of the biggest limitations to achieving or stepping into one’s next level is fear. Fear pose as threat to the desire to pursue one vision. Making your dream come true is possible but you must learn to over your fear. Remember that, your goals, your past successes and failures are the things that have the power to push you into your next level. Begin to identify the elements that put fear in you and stop you from stepping into your next level. That is the first step in facing your fear. Pursue that dream or idea this year. 

“I believe the only reason we’re here is to find out what we love…and get about the business of living it!” — Oprah  


If we are going to discover how God wants us to live a successful life in the 2016, then we need to understand our purpose in life. We must know why we are given the chance to see 2016. 

Understanding of our purpose gives us the platform to appreciate ourselves and live to that very reason why we are not like anyone else. People mostly get frustrated in life when they lack the understanding of who they are and the purpose of which they are created for. This is one of the reasons why some people live just anyhow without achieving something concrete for in life. You have a role or a part to play in this New Year and until you understand that, you can never take steps into your next level.  


Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 

Studying yourself helps you get to know yourself (who you really are and why are you the way you are).Stepping into your next level require you to take time out to study yourself especially when it comes to your ability, strength and weaknesses.  

You are able to develop your personality, your beliefs, ponder on your likes and dislikes to come to term as to what prevented you from achieving your desire success in 2015.  

As you begin to study yourself, you then discover your temperaments, your dreams, self-esteem, confidence, and then take necessary step to achieve something significance and relevance in life.  

Better to spend time to know yourself than knowing others.  


To step into your next level, you must learn to humble yourself at any level. Without humility, one can’t see the great doors designed by God to take one to the next level.  Humble people are quick to admit your mistakes and seek ways of putting things right. When we admit our weakness and limitations, people come to our aid to assist and give us a helping hand into our journey of life. In 2016, it will only take those who are humble enough to lower our ego, pride and selfishness to appreciate that, we are not perfect and irreplaceable. 

Deal with your Arrogance before it holds you back from stepping into your next level in 2016.The world would be a better and caring place if we all step in to our next level when we learn to push our various purpose and aspiration this 2016. I wish you a happy new year.  

Humility is a door opener into one’s next level. 

May you all step into your next level in order to become relevance, significance and productive in 2016 and beyond. Focus, pursue and achieve your dreams.  

Step up and Keep Up!

Written by: Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is an international speaker.

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