Sierra Leone First Lady Fatima Jabbe-Bio Gets her hands Dirty Farming & Encourages Sierra Leoneans to Follow

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h ardworking First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone accompanied by her visionary husband His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio and almost one thousand citizens has set the pace for Sierra Leoneans to embark on farming as this was demonstrated when the First Lady together with the President of Sierra Leone visited the First Lady’s 200 acres of farm situated at Masiaka.
 Agriculture is one of president Bio’s main priority in the fight against hunger. Before President assumes office the country has been ranked the third most hungriest country and on that note H.E Fatima Maada Bio has decided to support her husband’s vision in boosting agriculture and it is considered by many as a major step in the fight against hunger in the country and also for Sierra Leoneans to engage in farming to be able to provide for themselves.
With the First Lady starting her own farm at the northern part of the country the action is considered the act of ‘ Talk and Do.’ to move Sierra Leone from were this government met her.
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