Actress Ruth Kadiri Demands Death Sentence For Corrupt Politicians & Public Servants

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Actress Ruth Kadira wants the death penalty as standard punishment for holders of public offices who are found guilty of embezzling public funds.

Nollywood actress Ruth Kadiri has called for voting to be temporarily suspended in Nigeria until the death sentence laws are enacted against corrupt politicians and public servants.

The movie star made this known via her Instagram page on Thursday, August 13, 2020, while lamenting at the political situation in the country.

Actre Ruth Kadiri

“We should abolish voting in Nigeria until death sentence laws are given to politicians and public servants who misuse Nigeria’s funds. I said what I said. Correct me if I’m wrong and tell me what your government has done for you,” she wrote

She also stated that history has made her believe that politicians are liars and do not have the interest of the populace at heart.

“Based on what I have seen in the past, any incoming president or governor campaigning for your vote and promising you a better Nigeria is a liar! I repeat, they are liars, do not vote for them,” she continued

In a follow-up post, Ruth branded political parties as the number one problem of Nigeria.

“The number on problem of Nigeria is political parties. Best we start voting for political parties so that when a political party candidate fails in office we now we’re done with that party no stories.”

Kadiri is a Nigerian actress, screenwriter, and film producer.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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