Can Africa use lockdown to re-event its economies that will be based on giving, building and equality for all people?

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    As the old saying goes, “where there’s a problem there is a solution.”

    Even with the strict regulations like social distancing, wearing of
    musks and other forms of limiting the spread of the virus still in
    place, the spirit of turning big corporations and multinationals into
    servicing the public rather than being driven by self-interest
    profits, has become a real and of great necessity.

    Although, it may take some time for Africa to better comprehend the
    damage or opportunities brought about by this global pandemic. But one
    thing for sure is that life has very much turned around for many who
    have lost jobs, business decline or collapse and loved ones.

    A lot of the hazards emerging from lockdown on the African continent
    have also affected many countries all over the world.

    While various economic experts have been warning that the shutting
    down of economics will do more damage than the virus itself. We ought
    to be inspired to find solutions for our current situation.

    What could be very effective for us to do would be to evaluate the
    good that could have come from the lockdown and the bad that has come
    of it.

    And how could we as a continent find a way of promoting and focusing
    on the good and expand it.

    For example, some people have remarked on how they got closer with
    their families as a result of lockdown.

    How can good be shared to equip others?

    Another positive from lockdown, was when I encountered people who
    started their own businesses to survive the lack of income.

    From the South African government’s side for example, the Covid relief
    fund and food parcels, with a possibility of a basic income grant on
    the cards, could make a world of difference. even though not all
    people have received the grant and food parcels due to corruption and
    negligence mostly.

    Last year, a news report noted that in America, the government is
    looking to create 1.6 million jobs through Childcare.

    Can Africa follow suit? Why not?

    What about Medicare? How more jobs can be created here?

    That brings me to the question that is possibly becoming the most
    important issue like never before, health & wellness.

    Exercising has never been such a necessity in the past 100 years, the
    way it should be during this pandemic.

    Vaccines can make a meaningful contribution to the health of the
    people. Yet health & wellness through sports and other forms of
    exercise like walking longer and jogging stand to become game

    Healthcare is another platform for job creation, economic development
    and an increased life expectancy rate of a country.

    Health is certainly wealth.

    Sport should be seen as a necessity in growing the health status of a nation.

    All sectors should be encouraged to make sport & exercise part of their lives.

    Online learning seems to have taken on a new lease of life.

    Certainly many businesses and online businesses have made use of lockdown.

    These and other positive stories from lockdown should guide our steps
    as the world enters a new era.

    The world is very much starting over again.

    When communities, institutions, organizations, industries and sectors
    work together for the common good of building equality and a just
    society, change takes place.

    At the most natural level, the family unit has become the best vehicle
    of a brighter world.

    With close-knitted neighborhoods and communities working hand in hand,
    we can turn this ‘would be tragedy’ into the greatest turnaround story
    in history.

    That brings me to the story of Dave Hodgson with a business empire
    worth over $300 million.

    Hodgson also heads up Paladin Group, a conglomerate of 32 companies
    worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

    At the request of his pastor, Hodgson started Kingdom Investors (KI),
    as market outreach from their local church.

    KI has very little to do with the world of investment, but its main
    aim is to change the culture of business in Australia.

    Hodgson for the past couple of years has been speaking to 30-40000
    business leaders in Australia and fast spreading across the globe.

    His message is simple and straightforward, ‘get rid of greed, fear and
    corruption in the marketplace, move away from a business culture
    driven by maximizing self-interest at the expense of others and
    establish a just economy based on sharing, caring and a goal of
    bettering everyone.

    During this Covid lockdown, and its aftermath, the work of Hodgson
    must be a model that the world needs strive to use for the current era

    Nelson Mandela had a point when he said, “A fundamental concern for
    others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in
    making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.”

    And according to Lurn, the Freelance Economy is exploding and 21
    Million American Freelancers make $75k or more a year.

    “More than half of freelancers REFUSE to return to a traditional nine
    to five, regardless of the money offered.” ~ Upwork’s sixth annual
    “Freelancing in America” study.

    Reason being, they can make great money and keep their freedom.

    Robert Kiyosaki, an American entrepreneur and bestselling author has
    this to say, “The great pandemic has caused all sorts of problems for
    businesses and economies around the world.

    It’s made people realize how unstable and volatile certain industries are.”

    Kiyosaki says there is good news, though.

    He says the pandemic has also been “proof” that some industries can
    survive and even thrive during a recession.

    And one of those industries is getting commissions for selling other
    people’s products.

    According to Kiyosaki, there are over 100,000+ companies willing to
    partner with you today, even if you don’t have any experience.

    Written by Thandisizwe Mgudlwa

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