Chinese Calls Zambian A Foreigner In Zambia!

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Zambia has become the second home of Chinese foreigners over the past few years. Wode Maya a Ghanian Youtuber and traveller who has been very passionate exposing and bringing shocking stories of Chinese atrocities in China as well as Africa since the outbreak and maltreatment of Africans in China, has unveiled more sad stories.

This time he exposed the activities of Chinese nationals in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. He was surprised to see during his recent visit that even road posters supermarket foodstuff are all written in Chinese. They also have their own banks and only employee Chinese.

Following the pandemic, no black people are allowed in their restraints in Zambia as they refer to black people as foreigners.

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According to the Guardian, China stepped in when Zambia ran out of load options. The make their mark, they have taken over most of the countries capital. One might think they’re in China while there.

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