Cynthia Morgan’s Ex-Manager Releases Offical Statement Debunking Singer’s Allegations

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Singer Cynthia Morgan over the weekend leveled some serious allegations against popular music executive and Northside Entertainment boss, Jude ‘Engees’ Okoye. However, her former manager has now come out to debunk every of her claims.

On Monday, May 25, 2020, Cynthia Morgan’s ex-manager Joy Tongo took to social media to weight in her side of the story in light of the heavy allegations leveled at music mogul, Peter Okoye by her former employee.

In a lengthy statement released on her Instagram page, Tongo revealed how she got to know Morgan who now goes by the name Madrina.

The entrepreneur stated that she personally convinced Jude to sigh Morgan and together they both helped to promote her brand. She also recounted how the dancehall star began performing at shows outside of her and Jude Okoye’s approval and awareness after her shot to limelight with hit song ‘I’m Taken’.

Cynthia Morgan

According to her, Morgan was the one who voluntarily chose to walk out of her contract with Northside Entertainment even before it expired. And even at that Jude never pressed charges against her for breaching their agreement.

Tongo further revealed that Jude invested heavily on Morgan including catering for her accommodation, buying her a car and also giving her money to secure a land for her mum in Benin.

Shw also disclosed that she signed Morgan’s contract with Northside Entertainment, and there was nothing in the contract paper that stated Jude Okoye or his record label would assume ownership of the singer’s legal name, royalties and social media accounts – a claim that was widely purported by Cynthia Morgan in her allegation.

Tongo went on to note that she has documents to prove some incidents she said happened, prior to parting ways with the dancehall singer.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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