Dear Certain Parents, Why Don’t You Raise Your Sons Well?

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It’s no longer news that most Parents give more attention to their female children than their male children when it comes to raising them properly. Nigerian sensational singer, Simi, recently said this:

“Many parents raised their daughters and let the boys raise themselves. This is why a lot of people think boys are easier to raise. If these boys fumble, they say ‘boys will be boys.’ If the girls fumble the exact same fumble, they say she is wayward or wasn’t raised right.

Hence, more effort is put into raising girls. She’s taught to be a good wife, good mum, prudent, enduring, faithful, perfect, or whatever society’s version of perfect is. Men are taught to make money and provide.”

I once told my neighbour to stop giving her sons the impression that their sister was meant to be serving them. These children hardly participated in any household chores – the girl was the only one doing everything. They always overworked her.

I made her understand that it will affect them later in life, and she bought the idea. Now, they participate in household chores and even join their mother in the kitchen.

Before, the little girl would even serve them drinking water – things they could easily do.

I guess she was of that school of thought that allows the boys to raise themselves while giving all the attention to the female child.

The society should always wear the smile this woman wears whenever her male kids are in the kitchen. Amidst other things they must have learnt under proper guidance, they’ll grow up to become men who won’t see the women as “items of service” like some men do these days.

They’ll grow up to become men of good culture.

Written by: Edward Amah

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