“I Choose My Money Over My Wife” – Says Man Who Filed For Divorce

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    Every day we’re greeted with the news of several people getting into matrimony, and we like the news we hear. And liking this is because, marriage as we expect it to be, should be a thing of joy.

    But every now and then, we’re presented with bizarre news that goes on to debunk what we feel about marriage.  We hear stories that question our resolve of getting married in future – stories that want to make us change our minds about getting married.

    When a man decides to choose his money over his wife, then the wife has given him the impression that she’s of no worth.

    Recently, a businessman, Mutiu Bamgbose, told an Igando Customary Court in Lagos that his wife has a penchant for stealing.

    The man who filed for divorce also accused his wife, Aliyah, of infidelity. In his words:

    “My wife is a thief, she is not always satisfied with what I give her, she keeps stealing my money at will.” 

    With regrets, he furthered like this:

    “The most painful was when she stole my N3 million and squandered it. Because of her habit, I started keeping my money in the ceiling, but she will still enter the ceiling and steal it.

    When I could no longer condole it, I opened a bank account and she became angry and made life miserable for me.

    It was obvious that my wife does not love me, she is just after my money.”

    According to him, she was summoned by the court several times, but she didn’t appear.

    “She started having affairs with a married man in our community, I approached the man and warned him seriously to desist from my wife,” he lamented.

     He went on and on, and you could imagine why he was hiding money in the ceiling – trust was dead.

    When trust dies in a relationship, worthlessness follows it. The minute his trust for her died, she became worthless to him, and he could choose anything over her. I don’t think it’s easy for a partner to choose anything over his/her partner if the trust is there.

    People should learn to earn their partner’s trust in a relationship, otherwise, he/she can even choose a cube of maggi over you. That’s how worthless you can become when they lose trust in you.

    Written by: Edward Amah

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