Lady Commits Suicide After Heartbreak From Boyfriend

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    They say love is magical, but some people still doubt it. Sometimes, you have to enter a train, in order to decide the authenticity of experiences others share, when they talk about journeying through that means of transportation.

    To crucify someone in love, you have to have been there, before knowing if it’s right to call the person “stupid.”  This is because there’s no true love that is lagging in foolishness.

    Recently, it was reported that an undergraduate student of Library and Information Science (LIS)  in Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana, Ebonyi State,  committed suicide over heartbreak.

    Olivia James as she’s called was said to have taken snipper, because her boyfriend left her, after her birthday. She was said to have been in a relationship with a certain henry, according to her friends.  They said she’s been faithful to him, even though he was caught cheating on occasions. She kept hoping he would change and was even rising up to 1 million Naira for him to start up a business. She was already into confectionaries and had already saved up to 700k before this happened.

    Although she was yet to give him the money, the actual zeal of wanting to help him start a business can only come from a heart that is loving. So, it is well-understood, if the heartbreak terribly affected her emotions. She must have felt really betrayed to receive such action from someone she had made such compromises for – not every lover forgives when you cheat.

    Her friends say they saw her suicide note late, and by the time they got to her house, the dead was already done. Upon arrival at the hospital, she was officially confirmed dead.

    I wonder what would be going on in the mind of her parents. I wonder how they’ll feel.

    It is important to note that any human can betray you. It is important to build yourself for the worst of every situation. Do not walk the path of love, if you don’t know how to walk out of it alive.

    She was not wrong to have loved that way. She was unfortunate to have wasted such emotions on someone who didn’t care about them. So, I don’t understand the people who say “you don’t love somebody too much.”

    Her only crime was not understanding that anyone can be replaced. No one is totally irreplaceable. The sooner people understand this, the better their sanity. And when heartbreak comes, it won’t be like the end of the world.

    Opinion by: Edward Amah

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