Nollywood Filmmaker Victor Okpala Accused of Sexual Harassment | Video

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Nollywood might be on the verge of facing its Harvey Weinstein moment as one of its filmmakers has been accused of sexual harassment.

It has not been an easy week for celebrities in the entertainment industry in wake of the #whyididntreportit campaign that’s been rocking social media for days now.

Nollywood director Victor Okpala has been accused of demanding sexual favours from aspiring actresses in exchange for movie roles.

The allegations were firat made by a young lady identified as Oshevire Divine who shared screenshots of her conversion with the film director. Mr. Okpala seemingly advised her to use her body to get what she wants.

Divine said: “I was going to keep quiet about this..but why should I?this isn’t a normal thing and shouldn’t be considered as a normal act at all”, Divine wrote. “This is a chat between me and a Nollywood movie producer&director.I have to voice out on this matter..this is wrecking the image of Nollywood. Check my last slide to see.

“The monologue challenge I wanted to participate in he asked to subscribe to his channel,watch one of his movies then send a proof.So i did according to the guidelines he posted and sent the proof…he replied👆🏽he literally told me that talent is not enough and indirectly said that I’d have to sacrifice my body for me to make it into Nollywood.I don’t know how many other girls he must have deceived like this but this isn’t fair and we shouldn’t keep quiet about this.This happened yesterday,this needs to stop”.

It didn’t end there as more allegations emerged few hours later from another lady called Sharon Osiyerimo.

Sharon disclosed that Mr. Okpala demanded sex from her in other to fast track her aspiration of becoming a movie star. Sharing screenshots of their conversation, she noted that she was 17 years of age when the incident occurred.

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You see this man @victorokpalan This man had the guts to post “say no to rape” because he thinks its just social media aesthetics. Do you people understand this. This man holds auditions only for him to haunt for girls. I was barely 17 when this man asked that in exchange for a movie role I sleep with him. When i told him my age he said “shey you’ll soon be 18,its fine” He literally told me everyone in his film had to do it saying “that’s the normal thing” Thank God i knew i had a choice What of people who thought that was the only way? This man has had his way with a lot of people who dint know they did have a choice. It’s disheartening They are plenty in this nollywood And it has to stop Its not a do or die affair Small thing they’ll say “they’ll blacklist you o” You people are actually mad. Please don’t hesitate to call the animals out enough is enough. And please your dreams and aspirations are valued and God’s blessings doesn’t come with a price tag. Your time will come

A post shared by Sharon Osiyerimo Ohunene Jatto (@sharonjatto) on

#whyididntreportit hastag has been one of the top trending topics on Twitter over the past few days in wake of the rape and murder of Uwa.

Women has been using the hastag to tell their sad stories of sexual abuse and why they didn’t report their abusers immediately after the punishable act was perpetrated against them.

Photo Credit: Instagram

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