Opinion: The Nigerian Government Exposes Its Tyranny In A Shameful Way

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In the midst of all that’s being said about the current administration of the Nigerian nation, “Tyranny” is one-word people are trying not to use. Whenever it is said, the speaker is subjected to criticism by supporters of the current administration.

But in the turn out of recent events, it’s becoming obvious that there’s no need to hide what is obvious. Or maybe, we no longer understand the meaning of Tyranny. Or maybe, the government is trying to put the nation in good shape by frustrating its citizens.

How else do we describe the recent occurrence at the Ladi Kwali Hall of Sheraton Hotel Abuja?

The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health was recently conducting interviews that will see successful candidates given jobs in Saudi Arabia as doctors. The venue was flooded with Nigerian Doctors who wanted to relocate from Nigeria since the Nigerian atmosphere hasn’t been good to Nigerian Doctors.

According to Punch Newspaper: “Operatives of the Department of State Services, on Thursday, dispersed medical doctors, who stormed the Sheraton Hotels, Abuja, to take part in the recruitment interview organized by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health.”

Someone asked this question on social media: “Why is the government frustrating people they have refused to help? “

The Doctors are currently on strike, and it’s been terrible for some doctors who can’t even feed themselves, not to mention their families. While seeking remedies for their misfortunes, and the DSS was there to frustrate them, thereby amplifying the shame of the tyranny Nigerian citizens have been indirectly subjected to.

According to Punch Newspaper, a doctor, who did not want his name in print said these words:

“Some of us, who came here today, came because we don’t even have jobs and we don’t want to do the wrong things.

Two categories of people were here today: the jobless ones and the ones who are poorly remunerated.

We didn’t commit any crime; we just wanted a better system. So, why is the government trying to frustrate us?”

It will no longer be a thing of surprise if the Nigerian Government decides to stop issuing international passport to its citizens. People are already afraid of this, and we hope it never gets to that.

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