Osinachi’s Burial Date, Her Husband’s Faith & The Sad Truth About The Future Of Her Children

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    After several weeks of waiting, a funeral arrangement for Osinachi Nwachukwu is currently taking place, and her burial date has also been announced. Thou the result of her autopsy hasn’t still been made public by the authorities because of reasons best known to them, the 42-year-old mother of four was reportedly maltreated, brutalised and emotionally abused by her husband, leading to her untimely death. It looks like the autopsy might have strongly confirmed all the allegations by her family, children and close associates, who all pointed fingers at her husband of over ten years as being the cause of her demise.

    In a new development, the Federal Government has entered a 23-count charge against her 56-year-old husband, Peter Nwachukwu, charging him for allegedly committing culpable homicide, which has a grave consequence, punishable by death according to Nigerian law. So in the layman’s language, Peter Nwachukwu is simply being charged with the murder of his wife. The father of four was further charged for cruelly beating his children, recording their cry and playing it on his phone. In the wake of all these development, the former couple’s house in Abuja is being recovered by the Landlord.

    Osinachi’s family have taken custody of the children and will be relocating them to Enugu to live with their grandmother while receiving counselling. Osinachi’s family are also reportedly looking into traditional divorce in death and planning to bury her in her father’s compound. #Osinachi #OsinachiNwaChukwu #Osinachiburial #Osinachideath

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