Roseline Sanni-Ajose, Producer of ‘Labo- Life is Journey’ Receives Recognition Award for Promoting African Culture across the world!

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 Prince Miniter Adeniyi Roseline Sanni-Ajose & Miniter Alege
Marketing Ministers UK, held their annual business dinner Awards and Recognition on Saturday, 26th of July 2014 in London. It turned out to be a prestigious event and a great night to remember.

The event was attended by dignitary amongst them were representatives of the Nigeria High commission UK, Prime Minster Adeniyi-SA to Nigeria high commissioner UK, Minister Shina Alege-Head of Consular, Welfare/Education and Diplomats
 UK Govt representative, (Cllr, Jeffery Tucker), Nollywood Producers and Actresses, (Roseline Sanni-Ajose) Motivational speaker, (Dr Dayo Olomu), CANUK chairman (Chief R Bimbo Folayan), Marketing ministers business network and press crew and many others.
Producer/Actress Roseline Sanni-Ajose was surprise and at the same time delighted with her award, “This is amazing, she saidThis will not only motivate me in the movie industry, it will also encourage my inspiration to carry on with the good work of supporting African culture. Thank you Marketing Ministers for this wonderful Award“. She added.

Roseline Sanni-Ajose For The Best Movie Supporting African Culture


 Some Other Award Winners that Evening

Chief R Bimbo  (CNUK Chairman), Roseline Sanni-Ajose & Dr Dayo Olomu (Motivational speaker)
A Night to Remember


Marketing Ministers Limited Is A Marketing, Business And Products Development Organization Helping Small & Medium Businesses Grow In UK.

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