Sudan, the last living male Northern White Rhino Dies in Kenya

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The last surviving male northern white rhino in the world this week died in Kenya at the age of 45, leaving only two female rhinos in the world.

Sudan, who lived at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, died after months of poor health, his carers say. He was put to sleep on Monday after age-related complications worsened significantly. His death leaves only two females, which are his daughter and granddaughter of the subspecies alive in the world. He died surrounded by people who love him.

Speaking of Sudan’s death, Jan Stejskal, an official at Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic, where Sudan had lived until 2009, said: “His death is a cruel symbol of human disregard for nature and it saddened everyone who knew him.”

“But we should not give up,” he added in quotes carried by AFP news agency.

“We must take advantage of the unique situation in which cellular technologies are utilised for conservation of critically endangered species. It may sound unbelievable, but thanks to the newly developed techniques even Sudan could still have an offspring.”

Actor Leonardo Dicaprio posted the picture above on Instagram saying ‘With a heavy heart, I share this news and hope that Sudan’s legacy will awaken us to protect this magnificent and fragile planet.

Photo by: @Amivitale | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! 
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  1. No sé porqué pienso que en la medida que desaparezcan las especies, desde las más pequeñas, incluyendo aquellas invisibles a nuestros ojos, hasta las más grandes, después, inevitablemente, nos tocará a nosotros, la especie humana. Despido a ese hermoso genoma, producto de la evolución de millones de años, por parte de l naturaleza, quizás irreproducible, del rinoceronte blanco.


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