Taylor Swift Saves The Day By Donating £23K To Young Black Teenagers GoFundMe University Tuition!

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Singer Taylor Swift has donated over £23,000 to a teenager who started a GoFundMe appeal to raise her University fees.

The young lady who goes by the name, Vitoria Mario, from Tottenham in her online appeal says she wants to become a mathematician. She explained further that even though she was offered an unconditional place at the University of Warwick to study maths, can’t afford to take it up.

Singer Taylor Swift surprisingly found her GoFundMe appeal and decided to make a generous donation while leaving a touching message for the young lady that says “Vitoria, I came across your story online and am so inspired by your drive and dedication to turning your dreams into reality. I want to gift you the rest of your goal amount. Good luck with everything you do! Love, Taylor.”

In response, Vitoria wrote: “My mind has been blown. I was wondering how to reach enough people to hit my goal and now this miracle has happened. I’m just over the moon. I got 1A and 2A*s in my exam results recently and this is just a huge cherry on the cake!”.

Without a doubt, this money will go a long way for Victoria’s tuition fee. And this is a very nice gesture coming from a celebrity.


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