Nollywood actress Uche Jombo had announced few months back that she’s got a film still in the making. The movie star turned director has been posting snippets and behind the scene photos of the exciting new series on social media.
However, On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, actress Uche Jombo took to social media via her Instagram page to release the first official teaser for her upcoming series titled ‘Dr Love’.
Written by Joy Isi Bewaji, ‘ Dr Love’ follows the adventures of a psychologist who helps couples mend their relationships. It stars Jombo, Kiki Omeili, Kalu Ikeagwu, Bobby Obodo, Nkechi Blessing among others.
The movie is jombo’s directorial debut and will premiere exclusively on Rok Studios’ streaming platforms.
Watch the teaser below:
Photo Credit: Instagram