Beauty Magazine, Cosmopolitan Sparks a Backlash over article Black Women are mainly use as DON’TS!

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Can this be a case of racism toward women of colour? Cosmopolitan a well known Beauty magazine gets a backlash for using black women mostly for ‘beauty ‘DONTS‘/RIP’ column and white women for beauty ‘DOS/Hello Gorgeous” column for majority of a beauty trend article.

In a feature they titled “21 Beauty Trends that Need to Die in 2015“, published in January 5th 2015, Cosmopolitan Magazine highlighted beauty trends that gathered popularity in 2015. Most viewers didn’t agree with them anyway, but what got people talking was the over use of women of colour in their ‘DON’T/RIP‘ column. Conversations is off the handle on Facebook and Twitter as most women condemned the article. Some women said they wouldn’t be buying the magazine again, while others went on about how they beauty industry put black/African women in the black box all the time.

In a bid to remedy the situation, an Editor’s note was posted to the article stating – “This article focuses on beauty trends with images that represent those trends. Some images have been taken out of context, and we apologise for any offense. Celebrating all women is our mission, and we will continue to work hard to do that.”

Is it a coincident that no black women passed the ‘DOS/Hello Gorgeous‘ column when there are so many of them out there today including models, and TV stars?

This article was from their January issue, but is still making waves with over 92.7K shares from the Cosmopolitan website article page. We have to keep telling them until they listen!


Written by: Noellin Imoh

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