#BlackLivesMatter: Actor John Boyega Gives Passionate Speech to Demonstrators in Hyde Park

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More celebrities are taking to the streets in solidarity with protesters amid international outrage at the death of George Floyd.

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the British-Nigerian actor John Boyega was at Hyde Park with demonstrators where he gave a passionate speech declaring his support for the Black Lives Matter movement, the late George Floyd and many who have lost their lives to racism.

Addressing thousands of peaceful protestors who had descended at the park in London, Boyega spoke tearfully from his heart with a megaphone as he confronted racial discrimination.

Actor John Boyega addressing Black Lives Matter demonstrators in Hyde Park

The 28-year old Star Wars actor said that he risk endangering his career for speaking against racism and injustice. He also referenced two other black Americans who controversially died in the US, as well as the racist UK murder of Stephen Lawrence.

Seaking at the #BlackLivesMatter protest in Hyde Park, Boyega  said that:

“We are a physical representation of our support for George Floyd. We are a physical representation of our support for Sandra Bland. We are a physical representation of our support for Trayvon Martin. We are a physical representation of our support for Stephen Lawrence.

I’m speaking to you from my heart. Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this, but f*** that.

Today is about innocent people who were halfway through their process, we don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved, we don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved, but today we’re going to make sure that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones.”

Bpyega added a message specificall for black men, saying: “Black men we need to take care of our black women.”

Mr Floyd’s death, after he was restrained by a police officer kneeling on his neck, has sparked nationwide rioting and protests in the US and across the world after footage of his arrest was shared.

Photo Credit: UKesquire

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