Boarding School Apologises for white Students Wearing Blackface

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A Catholic boarding school has made an apology after it’s pupils “blacked up” as “African slaves” for their school photos.

Students at Oratory School, an all-boys’ school in Oxfordshire, snuck into school wearing cotton picking outfits and blackened faces.

The pupils had previously been sent home when teachers discovered the attire they had chosen for their leaving photos but they returned later to take the photos on the school grounds.

3 of the sixth formers painted their faces black, while others pointed toy guns at them.

A spokesperson for the school said: “It has been brought to our attention that a photo was recently posted on social media of a small number of pupils from our school while dressed in an offensive manner.

“The headmaster and senior staff were present for the photo and refused to allow the offensively dressed pupils to participate and the photo was taken without them being included.

“The photo – the existence of which we were unaware – was taken and posted on social media was taken unofficially and in no way with the consent of the school.

“We are extremely shocked and saddened that this has happened and apologise unreservedly for the offence caused. We are dealing with this internally.”

The private boarding school charges fees of £11,000 per term. | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! 
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