Canadian Justice Minister calls Nigeria’s Justice Minister, Malami, a “disgrace” over arrest of Nnamdi Kanu

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Kelechi Madu, the newest minister of Justice and Solicitor-General of the government Alberta, Canada has called out the Nigerian Mister of Justice and Attorney-general, Abubakar Malami over the re-arrest of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
Reacting via his LinkedIn page, Kelechbi Madu said if the news that Kanu was abducted from Kenya were accurate, then Malami was not only a
”disgrace to the rule of law but also not worthy of being a public officer.”

The Canadian official Deputy Government House Leader agrees Nigeria and Kenya violated international law after Nigeria revealed on June 30th that Kanu was re-arrested and extradited back to Nigeria.

Reacting, Madu demanded the release of Kanu and also urged the Nigerian government to ensure his safety.

Canadian Justice Minister: Kelechbi Madu

Madu wrote: “I urge the Nigerian government led by Muhammadu Buhari to ensure the safety of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu – Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra. I urge his immediate release.

Reports suggest that Mazi Kanu was abducted in Kenya with the active collaboration of the Kenyan government led by President Uhuru Kenyatta. If true, Nigeria and Kenya violated international law and the rule of law that is supreme in their respective countries. I call upon the international community, and in particular, @USinNigeria, @UKinNigeria, @CanHCNigeria, @GERinNigeria, @IsraelinNigeria and @EUinNigeria to use all their power, including diplomacy, to ensure the safety and release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. I further call on the leaders of these nations to ensure real consequences for this arbitrary violation of internationally accepted democratic norms and rules that govern civilized people, but above all, the arbitrary violations of Mazi Kanu’s fundamental human rights.

Nigeria is burning, and the people of Nigeria, except those who are holding the country down wants out. You cannot destroy the hope and aspiration of a people destined for greatness, and expect them to bow down in servitude. You cannot destroy a generation of people and expect them to not fight for their freedom. The power of the gun, state-sponsored terrorism will not achieve peace or the preservation of Nigeria.

The Igbos and other ethnic groups in Nigeria who are calling for Nigeria to be renegotiated do not seek violence or war. They seek peace. They seek progress and the advancement of their people. They seek fairness, safety, equity and justice for their people. They seek the opportunity for their children to grow up and achieve their God-given abundant potential. They seek the rise of a people with the work ethic, intellect and capacity to be a truly global superpower on the continent of Africa. They seek dignity over inhumane treatment. They seek life over death.

Friends of the black world must unite and liberate the people of Nigeria from this bondage and from the claws of corrupt and inept politicians who have no business being near the corridor of Nigeria’s political power. 

The Attorney General of Nigeria, Abubakar Malami is a disgrace to the rule of law, and not worthy to be an officer of the court. He has shown himself to be a bigot who does not understand what it means to live in a pluralistic society governed by the dictates of the rule of law. 

Finally, I must caution the present leaders of Nigeria to act in the best interests of the whole people of Nigeria. Since the inception of this government, and so far they have not been acting in all of Nigeria’s best interests

Nigeria Justice Minister: Abukakar Malami
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