“Dokubo I know Does Not Raise Any Alarm When He Is Not Sure” – Shetima Confirms Oil Theft By Millitary & Navy

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The National President of the Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF), Alhaji Yerima Shettima has said that the claims made by former militant Asari Dokubo concerning illegal oil bunkering in the Niger Delta region are not far from the truth.

Recall that Dokubo had claimed that the Nigerian military is at the centre of 99 percent of oil theft incidents recorded in the Niger Delta.

Reacting to Dokubo’s claims during an interview with Vanguard, Shettima insisted that the allegations against the Nigerian military did not begin with the agitator.

He noted that the former governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike also stated that some security personnels are involved in oil bunkering and pipeline vandalisation.

Shettima opined that he believes Dokubo’s allegations and it is now left for President Bola Tinubu to make a decision concerning the situation.

He said, “First of all, the issues Asari Dokubo raised are very fundamental and germane. The Dokubo I know does not raise any alarm when he is not sure of it. Don’t forget that the allegation he raised didn’t just start today. It only takes people with the courage to come out and say what he said. What he said is not different from what Tompolo said a few months ago. It is also not different from what Wike said in Rivers State that some security personnel are involved in bunkering and vandalisation. I trust him and I believe what he said. It is left to the man in charge, (President Tinubu) to take a decision. He needs to take a decision on that to stop the ugly trend.

“I would also advise him to critically look at all sections of the country to unite all sections. He should look at the issue of security and corruption. Anyone found guilty should not go unpunished. He is also a victim of some allegations. He should prove to the world that he is not what some people think. Tinubu has nothing to lose. God has blessed him with everything he wanted. So, he will only be remembered for the good things he did.”

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