E-Money Vows Support For Junior Pope’s Children Amid Mourning

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Nigerian billionaire businessman Emeka Okonkwo, better known as E-Money, has pledged to nurture the children of the late actor and friend, Junior Pope.

Taking to his Instagram page, he noted how it has been one week since the actor departed from this world, leaving behind a profound sense of loss that reverberates in Africa and beyond.

He noted how his presence as both a friend and brother is deeply missed.

E-Money stated that the weight of his absence beats heavily upon their hearts, yet they draw comfort from the belief that God will grant them the resilience to carry forward and uphold his legacy.

Recalling Junior Pope’s last words on the boat, where he said he was going to take care of his three kids, E-Money vowed that he and his family would help nurture the kids as he would have wished.

“It has been one week since you departed from this world, leaving behind a profound sense of loss that reverberates not only among us but also across Africa and beyond. Your presence, as both a friend and a brother, is deeply missed, JP. The weight of your absence bears heavily upon our hearts, yet we draw comfort from the belief that God will grant us the resilience to carry forward and uphold the legacy you’ve entrusted to us. We tenderly remember your final words on the boat, “NA ONLY ME DEM BORN I GET 3 CHILDREN NA ME GO RAISE THEM,” and we solemnly commit to honoring that vow. Your children now find solace in the embrace of the Okonkwo family, and we, as members of that family, pledge to nurture them as you would have wished. Your absence leaves a palpable void, JP and your memory will forever be held dear. Rest peacefully, knowing that you are deeply cherished, and may God’s blessings encompass your soul, your family, and all who hold you in their hearts”.

Africanglitz reported on Wednesday, April 10th, that Junior Pope had died after drowning while returning from a movie location with his colleagues in a boat at the Anam River in Anambra State.

The actor was said to have woken up briefly and was taken to the Water Shrine for some cleansing, after which he was taken to the hospital, where he eventually gave up.

A day ago, Regina Daniels shared a collage of videos of the actor, stating that the late actor’s nugget comfort would be that he left a world filled with love and support for the ones closest to his heart.

Veteran actress Rita Edochie refused to celebrate her birthday on Tuesday as she dedicated it in memory of Junior Pope. She noted how the late actor never missed her birthdays and would always call her, send her messages, post her pictures online, and more.

Alex Ekubo had written a heartfelt note, revealing that the tragedy of the boat accident had left him in shock as he noted how the day of Junior Pope’s death coincided with his birthday.

He claimed that he hadn’t been able to attend any event or function properly since then, as he could only imagine the unbearable pain and utter confusion of the families of the victims.

Famous Nigerian comedian Sabinus, or Mr Funny, shared a video of the last moment he had with the actor as he broke down and lamented over his death, mentioning the unfinished job they had.

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