Following the invasion of Ukraine, Facebook has restricted Russian state media’s ability from advertising and get revenue on the Facebook platform.
“We are now prohibiting Russian state media from running ads or monetizing on our platform anywhere in the world,” Nathaniel Gleicher, the social media giant’s security policy head, said on Twitter on Friday.
He added that;
Facebook would “continue to apply labels to additional Russian state media”. Social media networks have become one of the fronts in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, home to sometimes misleading information but also real-time monitoring of a quickly developing conflict that marks Europe’s biggest geopolitical crisis in decades.
“Yesterday, Russian authorities ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labelling of content posted on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organizations,” Meta’s Nick Clegg said in a statement. “We refused.”
His announcement arrived after Russia’s media regulator assured that it was limiting access to Facebook, accusing the social platform of censorship and violating the rights of the Russian people. On Wednesday, Facebook also launched a feature in Ukraine that allows people to lock their profiles for enhanced security, with the aid of a tool the tech giant also deployed after Afghanistan collapsed into the hands of the Taliban last year.
Gleicher said;
Facebook had set up a special operations centre to monitor the situation in Ukraine “in response to the unfolding military conflict”
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