Film Review: CAT FACE a Short Thriller with Hollywood Touch Tells the story of Revenge wrapped in African Mysticism!

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Cat Face short film

Ogo Okpue’s short film Cat Face is the perfect adrenaline-filled trailer that leaves you wondering and asking for more. Cat Face tells the story of a vigilante born through supernatural means who decides to take revenge on a violent cult of internet serial killers.

Cat Face is a dark supernatural Afro-european short thriller which unfolds a tale of revenge and African mysticism in a very professional manner.

Written and Directed by Ogo Okpue, the storyline was quiet diplomatic. Set in London, the story first real dialog kicked off with two men being held hostage, they tried to gain the viewers sympathy as one of the men cried and plead to be freed so he can get back to his wife. We came to understand that the victims are serial killers who are facing the consequence of their evil work.

Markus Ljungberg the cinematographer did an amazing job. The use of sound, music, pictures and effects gave this film a Hollywood touch combined with a twist of  African mystic and feel.

The short film actors includes; Katrina Nare, Anthony Trahearn, Alex Scrivens, Larry Olubamiwo and Fanny Escobar who all played a brilliant role with professionalism. This short film ticks every point in film entertainment and will gladly gain 7 stars out of 10 from us. The only issue we’re not very certain and we see that doesn’t fit in is the name of the film, it doesn’t easily hint or prepare you to face these serial killers who met their match in a mythical way.

Overall, Cat Face is no doubt a great entertainment. The film can easily extend to a full length movie in other  to slowly tell this interesting story in more details. Despite the films minor shortcomings, Cat Face is exciting and creative, the dark Afro-european short triller is undoubfully a great film  that will keep you engaged through out its19 minutes with a chill.

Clips From The short Film

Cat Face short film

Cat Face short film

Cat Face


Written by: Noellin Imoh-Griffiths

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