‘In A Strange Land’, a movie directed by Teru Ekuerahare, Produced by Roseline Sanni-Ajose and co-produced by William Kemeh is set to Premiere in Nigeria. The film shades light on modern slavery and human trafficking mostly in the UK and an eye-opener to the rest of the world.
The Lagos premiere take place on Friday, February 2nd, 2018 at Silverbird Cinema Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Modern slavery is an appalling crime that has no place in today’s society. However, this is often out of sight in many homes, behind the curtain of Ordinary Street. Modern Slavery and human trafficking is on the rise and the battle against it continued, Announced by Theresa May. (UK Prime Minister) May said. “The Government is determined to build a Great Britain that works for everyone, therefore not tolerating modern slavery, an evil trade that shatters victims’ lives and traps them in a cycle of Abuse” At least 10 people are trafficked into the UK every week- facing violence, exploitation and all form of abuse, thus the introduction Modern Slavery Act 2015 Come out and support the Victims of Lybia slave trade.
London Premiere on Friday 9th of June, 2017 and was indeed a glamours star stud event graced by The Nigerian High Commissioner to the UK team, Anti-Slavery Commissioner to the UK, London based Nollywood filmmakers amongst others.
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