‘It’s Unjust to deny a child his Blood Relatives in the name of Upholding Culture’ – Oge Nsimah

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So Judy Austin’s ex-husband Mr Obasi is claiming paternity to Star Yul Edochie, the child the Actress had for Yul Edochi, and a lot of Igbos are saying that irrespective of whose blood the child carries, he belongs to Judy’s former husband as long as they have not been officially divorced.
For the child’s sake,
Yul and Obasi should just go for a DNA test. This beautiful baby does not deserve this mockery and complication from irresponsible and aggrieved adults.

So Judy Austin’s ex-husband Mr Obasi is claiming paternity to Star Yul Edochie, the child the Actress had for Yul Edochi, and a lot of Igbos are saying that irrespective of whose blood the child carries, he belongs to Judy’s former husband as long as they have not been officially divorced.

A child belongs to the man whose blood runs through the child’s veins, Not a man that pays the bride price. Unless the blood father willing don’t want to be the father or is mentally incapacitated

It’s unjust to deny a child his blood relatives and lineage in the name of upholding culture. Stop covering paternity fraud with culture.

Igbo people use this culture to commit crime and enjoy injustices when it favours their favourite.

This is not culture. This is Igbo men using culture to massage their buried ego while their adulterous wives cover their impunities.

Justice should be served for humanity’s sake, not when your over-bloated ego is bruised.

This is why I need to be a lawyer. There should be a law where these children who suffered this injustice in the name of culture can sue someone for denying them their blood lineage.

If you people actually know what culture is, you ought to protect a blood linage than none sense bride price.

Oge Nsimah (TheUncomfortableTruth)

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