Motivation Monday: 3 Ways To Change Your Mindset To Transform Your Life!

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The mindset we have or develop determines the outcome of our lives. This implies that, our success and transformation of lives depend on our mindsets.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. [Romans 12: 2

Most often, people want new things in life but not a renewed or change of mindset. Everything that we see and experience came as a result of someone’s change of mindset.

Politicians are always talking about change of policies in favor of the people, the health sector are also looking and researching ways they can help to transform the well being of their patients, teachers are looking at the best way to help students or pupil change their attitude towards learning in order to achieve the success they are in school for, parents are working so hard to help their children develop the right attitude to life to become responsible individual to society and the community they come from.

All these cannot be possible with a change of mind. This therefore means that, developing or cultivating the right mindset is crucial to if only we want to see success, fruitfulness, productivity or transformation. It will take a change of mindset to cut down on fatty food or diets that has the potential to affect ones health. Taking steps to go to gym to lose weight or keep fit comes as result of change mindset.

Change of mindset can only be possible depending on the information one get it received. The quality of the information one has and applied is what help or aid in the transformation of life. You will be amazed to know that, our mindset is the sum total of the knowledge we have acquired over the year or a period of time. This contributes to the understanding or belief we have to help us transform our lives.

Just as the kidney dies many important thing to promote healthy life, the mind also help to process and filter the information we allow in to aid in the transformation of life we all want for ourselves.  This is the reason why we must watch the information we gather around us daily as they contribute greatly to our lifestyles. They way respond and react to things in life is the result of the information received.

As healthcare professionals working in the hospital, our attitude or behavior changes immediately when we the crush alert on the ward. Within a second our mind change to respond to the alarm regardless of who we are or what we’re doing at that particular time. We believe that a life could be in danger of cardiac arrest. You see, this s because, our minds have information which has altered our behavior and reaction.

For an individual to learn, unlearn and relearn, that person must be ready to cultivate the right mindset for a change which helps to form the belief system we have and hold ourselves.

Your belief system determines your relief system.

The only way we can make positive change to our lives and that of others is to change the belief we have in relations to how we view ourselves and the people we want to help because, whether we like it or not, what we believe have influence on our behavior  attitude to life in general.

 3 Ways To Change Your Mindset To Transform Your Life


Information is what helps us to transform our lives.  The mind can’t work or operate without information. Therefore, to get your life transformed, it is very importance to get the right information about what you want to do in life. No one travel to another country or job without acquiring the right information about the place or the job. Failure to get the right information is detrimental to one’s destiny.

As Public Health Professional, without having the right information about a particular health problem, I cannot provide quality care to my clients. Information can be found in books, internets, people, conferences and network. So; don’t limit yourself from learning new and right information concerning whatever you do. If you want to excel in life and to change your life then you must align yourself to learn and get the right information.


To excel in life and have a transformed life, you need to have a mentor who will guide and direct you unto the right path. Whether we like it or not, good mentorship produces good leadership. Most successful people today in the world to have great mentors who the listen to and follow in the area of success. Therefore, having a great mentors help you to develop the right attitude and have great success in your area of endervours in life.

Mentors are there to give you the knowledge that will lasts a lifetime and gives you the platform to stand on to be effecive in life and transform others. To experience change in your life and maximise your potential then you must have the right mentors to lead and guide you into succes.


Many people want new things but are not ready to change the way they think. To be effective and transform lives positively, you must re-examine your thinking pattern.  What you believe about yourself is what manifests in your life. Your mind is an opened field; the information you have is the seed that fertilizes your mind to bear fruit in your life. Therefore, you must allow positive information in your mind to help you transform your life. Be aware of your thoughts. The thoughts that you allow to go through your mind is what shape your destiny. Examine your thoughts and flush out the negative, self-defeating thoughts destiny is drained and destroy. A Positive thoughts generate postive confidence and motiavtion to pursue a cause in life. It takes self control to develop and learn to examine one’s thoughts. This means that, you must be aware of yourself in order to identify the thoughts that comes through your mind because without it, you will not be able to get rid of the negative thoughts and allow the positive thoughts to transform you.

Negative thoughts will always knock at the door of our mind but we must never let them in as they will limit and prevent us from taking positive steps into fulfilling our destiny. Try not to hang around negative people and must allow their negative words to fill our mind. When we do these, our mind is ablle to produce positive things in our personal life and help us on the way of transformation have ajoyful life. You have the power to


Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is an international speaker.

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