Motivation Monday: Are you rich or poor in life?

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Are you poor or rich?

The poorest person on the planet is the one who hasn’t discovered him or herself yet. You see, when I hear some folks preaching about prosperity and wealth my heart weeps. The truth of the matter is this; we are all created and gifted with some ideas, talents, gifts and skills that have the potential to make us wealthy or rich, but the challenge is that, not many of us have come to discover this truth.

No one knows what they have within themselves until they are able to embark on the road of exploring, discovering their talent, renewing their mind and using the talents to help shape humanity. Therefore, it is possible for me to say or argue that, the greatest wealth in life is self discovery. Gold are firstly discovered from the gold ores before it is turned into all that the world is craving to have.

Are you poor or rich?

I challenge you today to begin to discover who you are in life and then, the prosperity messages you hear over the pulpit can then become relevant to you. The one preaching about money to you was once like you, but he or she has discovered the need to discover himself or herself in the areas of preaching prosperity messages.

What are you created for and how do you develop it? You can only do this by discovering your source of life, talent, and developing yourself into becoming it. No one is richer than you. You have the potential to be rich in wealth only if you can spend time discovering yourself, developing your talent and delpoying it change lives positively.Money

Don’t limit your mind to fiscal wealth and never think you have everything in the world when you lack the ability to discover who you are. Remember that breads are made from the bakery, the money you have was created by someone and the account you hold your money in belongs to someone and what you are reading now is written by someone. You can be the next someone if will discover yourself but not money. Money is everywhere but not everyone can discover it.

Step up and dig into yourself to discover the wealth within you. “I dare you to DIG DEEP into your mine D-iscipline yourself I-nvest in yourself G-o for what you want from life D-edicate your time to improve yourself E-ncourage yourself E-mpower others with your talents P-ursue your purpose in life not people.

This is how you become rich and wealthy in your generation.

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is an international speaker.

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