Motivation Monday: Be Brave, Be Bright, Be Bold & Live Your Dream!

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Be Brave; Be Bright; Be Bold

You will NEVER live to achieve your dreams if you crave the acceptance and applause of men. Sometimes, you will get discouraged by the very people you least expected to discourage you. After sharing your dream with them, they discourage you and make you feel useless and less confident. Let me tell you something; they only do that BECAUSE of jealousy, ignorance and envy.

Have you given up on your dream because of these people in your life? The bottom line is this; they are doing that to prevent you from living your life and success your way. Cherish and value your time so much so that you DO NOT spend precious time with negative people who do not value, appreciate or believe in your dreams.

Remember that time is the GREATEST asset given to men to achieve their dreams. Once you spend your time with negative and selfish people, you lose the ability to create something positive with your life because, they will consume your time like a rat eating cassava mercilessly.

Personally, I am NOT a television fan and I am not expecting you to do the same. You are entitled to do whatever you want to make yourself happy as long as you are not abusing or taking advantage of others.

However, television all day without learning and improving your life is just a waste of time and life. You must learn to be VERY selective in deciding what sort of TV program to watch that will add value to your life and transform your mind and make you a better person.

The issue with some of these television channels is that they appear harmless BUT are VERY deceptive and erroneously captivating. You need to be brave, bright and bold to turn it off if it is NOT adding value to you and do something more productive to create and live the life of your dreams. When you become brave, bright and bold about who you are, you are able to appreciate and value your authenticity. You don’t live your life to please anyone but yourself.

We are all created differently to achieve different things in life. We are all unique in our makeup and when we fail to understand that, we try to live and fit into other people’s lifestyles that may not be good for our purpose and dreams.

Live Your Dream

Don’t compare your own life to other peoples’ lives. Living for other people’s dreams doesn’t make you a hero BUT living and pursuing your purpose and dream does. Be your own hero. This can only come through you being brave, bright and bold to live your dream. To live your dream, you need to be brave, bright and bold to follow and stay in your own lane.

Never compare yourself to others. Brave, bright and bold people don’t compare themselves with others. They believe and live their dream purposefully.  You will be surprised to know that,  people who fail in life do so because they compare their lives to that of others without knowing the value they themselves hold or the price those they are comparing their lives to have paid to be who they are. Success is relative and your dream is also relative.

Therefore, if you want to feel accomplished and happy, live life and pursue your dreams on your own terms. You must be brave, bright and bold in yourself, and NEVER compare your life to other peoples’ lives. No matter how perfect somebody’s life looks, know that, behind closed doors he or she is dealing with fear, insecurity, pain, isolation and neglect. You need to appreciate what you have rather than feeling sorry for yourself.

You will be appreciated, loved, celebrated and valued when you live your life and don’t live in the prison of others. Be brave, bright and bold and pursue your dream. That is the only way you can see and appreciate the sunlight of your future.


If you missed the part 1, you can read it here

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Author: Is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker ,Publishing Consultant and columnist  He is an international speaker

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