Motivation Monday: Here Is How To Avoid Busy Bodies & Achieve Your Dreams!

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In life, you will always meet Two Types of people on your way to success. The first group of people are  those who are just busy bodies achieving nothing. The other group are those who are busy pursuing and achieving their purposes in life.

Type one

Those who are too busy doing nothing to add value to their society and the people around them. These people find it difficult to understand why others  get soo busy pursuing a course in life. They seem to have 48 hours in a day which makes them to relax and procrastinate what they have to do at every given time.

They have the time to criticise others for not joining in their  pitty party but will  never challenge themselves out of their lazy zone to do things to develop themselves; rather will spend time minding other people business and poking their nose into those who are seriously being creative.

Most of these individuals will complain that,  ” you have changed, you don’t mind them anymore, and many other statements”.  You see, if you really want to make a great difference in life and become a person of Influence and significant,  you don’t associate yourself with this type of people who are only busy doing nothing. Your life is yours. You have the right to choose those you want to spend it with. Be wise and never allow just anyone doing nothing with his or her life to keep you in a stagnated life. If they are too busy to be impactful with their life then they should be too busy to have your time.

Type Two:

This type of people understand the need for being productively busy with their assignment in life. They one thing in mind and that is to be relevant, significant and impactful  by spending quality time developing themselves in order to help others too.

They know that, success can not be microwaved and for them to attain the level of success, they have to value time and opportunity life gives them to become or achieve their dreams. This group also know that, living a life without purpose is a life full of pains and regrets. This makes them to take full responsibility for their personal growth and development to utilise and maximise their time wisely.

I have observed that this type of people are very happy and content with what they have and are achieving. They don’t get into the jealousy mode to question why other are doing better than them. A busy and productive life is a happy and fulfilled life.

Success and failure come to us as a result of what we do with the time given to us. It is very important to value and appreciate the time you have and get busy doing something productive with your life.

Never stop living your life because you have found a girl, boyfriend, wife or husband. Your purpose in life must be your number one focus to spend your quality time on. Stop spending time with busy bodies and start spending it with productive and successful people. You can never associate yourself with a thief and not be influenced by his or her life. You are more of those you surround and spend time with. Two can not walk together accept they have accepted to walk in the same path.  

From this months on, if you want to experience greatness,success and achievement, you must spend less time with busy bodies. Occupy and engage yourself with more productive stuffs that will help you become what you want to become. Busy bodies are drainers of destiny. Avoid them. It is my hope that you get inspired and keep yourself busy with things that will keep or get you closer to your life goals and purpose in life.  

Step up and keep busy

Your success and and achievements depend on it!

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Author

 Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Author: is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker ,Publishing Consultant and columnist  He is an international speaker.

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