Motivation Monday: Oge Nsimah Says ‘Learn How To Fly On Your Own’

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With today being another Monday, writer, humanist and motivational speaker Oge Nsimah is giving us a dose of motivational and inspiring words. Read her open letter to you below.

Letter To My Friends

‘Dear friends,
Learn how to fly on your own
Nobody will give you wings to fly, living in this world is survival of the fittest.

The world ain’t all sunshine and moon,
No matter how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. It’s is about how hard life hit you, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward… it’s about how much you can take and keep moving forward.
That’s a warrior mindset and that how winning is done.

There is no spaces anywhere around the table, you have to grab your seat and create a space for yourself…

Don’t give up when the result is not coming, remember when you plant seeds, some germinates within days and some weeks.
This is applicable to our efforts in life.
Some nuts are more harder to crack
some take time, but trust me, the harvest must surely come.

Remember everything you need to survive is already inside of you.
Never let anyone success intimidate you.
They are in their time
Your time is around the corner
Just believe in God and yourself.
Everything will fall in places

Pay attention to everyone you meet in the course of your life.
God sent them for a cause.
There is always a reason, a lesson and a blessing behind every relationship.
Make sure you catch each vibe, learn and move on…
Lastly, be like the moon, inspire others even when you are far from being full.

Good morning to you all.
You are a warrior and you are excellent.
This week will be amazing to you all
The favour of God will overtake you’.

Written by: Oge Nsimah

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