Motivation Monday: When You See Obstacles, Think Of Promotion!

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peter odianosen eromosele

Many of you when you see obstacles, the first thing you think of is failure, instead of promotion and that only, could discourage you from overcoming the obstacles. When you are face with obstacles, your first thought most at times, determines the performance of your outcome. For this reason, you must always build your mind in the positive direction.

You should always see obstacles as an opportunity to the promotion you envisage, because for the obstacle to present itself, is a sign of an opportunity that you have been waiting for to get the long awaiting promotion you seek. Therefore, you must use all the arsenal at your disposal to overcome it and get your deserved promotion.

You must know that no obstacle, no result and your attitude towards any obstacle, determines your promotion in life. You must always have this at the back of your mind that obstacles are only a test to know how ready and prepared you are towards a cause, just like in school, how examination are meant to test how well we understand a course, which is a determinate factor to our promotion and graduation. When you see obstacles, think of promotion, that way, you can become victorious in whatever you do. You will succeed! Happy new week.


Written by: Peter Odianosen Eromosele

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