Motivation Monday with Ferdinard Senyo Lawson: 5 ANTIDOTES YOU NEED FOR SUCCESS (PART 1)

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5 Antidotes you need for success

Antidotes play an important role in the treatment of poisoning or anything that has the ability to damage one’s health. It is possible to say that, having good and supportive healthcare system or and techniques may, in many cases, revive or stabilize a poisoned patient to a good health and promote healthy life.

Hence the need for the right and appropriate use of antidotes and other agents to eliminate and counteract the toxic actions of the poison to prevent further damages to their organs, which may lead to death. In the same view point, it is very vital that, you develop or have some antidotes against the Killer Bugs to your successful life.

Each and every one of in life has a goal to achieve regardless of our backgrounds and until we learn to develop antidotes to immune ourselves from killer bugs, we will never achieve that dream and goal we have for ourselves.

The greatest factor that can hold an individual back from achieving his or her dreams is, simply and sadly, self-doubt. Doubting yourself put limitations on you every day, whether intentionally or unintentionally. There are so many ways we can build antidotes to alleviate these restraints or killer-Bugs to success.

5 Antidotes you need for success



Everything we see around us today began with a dream. Someone thought it necessary to dream bigger than their contemporary to affect the positive changes we see and experience around today.


Dreaming big is digging deeper into yourself to uncover your worth in life. It also means, seeking to know the very purpose for your life. It does not mean developing a high level headed, being rude or having a proud look and thinking that, you are better than someone or a self-made individual. Having this antidote, boost your self-esteem, to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself in life to be successful. You begin to question yourself, why settle for less when you can achieve more in life.

This form of antidote helps and empowers you to step out of your comfort zones to do things to achieve success in life beyond your wildest dream.

The decision you make or don’t today, go a long way to determine your success tomorrow. What decision are you making in life- DREAM-BIG


5 Antidotes you need for success


One of the best antidotes to killer Bugs is to be passionate about the things you do that bring you joy and happiness in life. Being passionate is actually loving something so greatly and devoting your time and life for it to it works for you.

Leaning to celebrate every moment in your life will make you overcome or get immune against the killer bugs that have the ability to discourage you from stepping into greatness. You have to know that, not everyone will be happy to see you excel in life, so they will do everything in their power to discourage you; but when you are you have a great passion for what you do, you will never mind their negative vibes to move you your successful ventures.

Avoid being stagnant in life. You have to recognize that, you are unique with a unique gifting that, the world is waiting to celebrate. Don’t bury your talents because of people’s opinions about you. Develop yourself, add value to yourself and deploy your talents wherever possible. Step out and pursue what you are passionate about.


5 Antidotes you need for success

If you don’t a make a move to pursue your success in life, others will remove you from attempting it.

No one achieves success by sitting on beautiful couch. Many have great and wonderful dream and goals, but lack the zeal to make moves to affect these dreams.  It is very necessary to make move in the pursuit of your success in life. You have the choice to take a daily action to prepare plan and invest into your time to achieve your dreams.

Don’t only dream but make move to achieve that dream too. Remember that, every action you take will bring great and much result; I will encourage you to push yourself just one more time. Take on that extra hour work each day, write that one extra article, post, blog and go and speak to that manager or that extra person who is where you want to be.

Never be ashamed of yourself asking question. We all learn by asking question. Successful people question too in order to know more. Sometimes, people tend to shy away from asking for support. This can affect or limit them from achieving in life. Pride will make you not to ask for help even though you might need it. Asking for support or a helping hand does not make a weak.You can never succeed in isolation and until you ask, you will never know anything.

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Author: is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker ,Publishing Consultant and columnist  He is an international speaker.

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