Motivation Monday: You Must Face Your Fear!

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The road to success are under construction and you alone is in the position to construct it to suit you, in order to have a smooth ride as you journey through it. That thing that is making you not to achieve your goal, is high time you face it, if you must overcome and make it achievable. What you fear should not stop you, rather it should make you continue to become the master in it.

Face your fear simply means that you must as a matter of seriousness confront those things that deprive you from achieving your goal and for you to make it possible, you must undergo the following: first and foremost, make sure you are able to identify them, because it is what you know you can tackle, undergo the necessary skills that is required for you to overcome it. You can’t continue to do what you keep failing on the same way, you must strategize and look for another way to make it work, you must involve yourself with people that are already successful in it to put you through, because one thing is to know the theoretical aspect, but the practical aspect is what really count, and finally you must be consistent in it. It is what you do regular that becomes part of you and make you the best in it.

When you fully address the above suggestions, you then have all what it takes to confront your fear. Failure to adhere to it, only leaves you in your fear. Fear is the first defeat to anything you intend to do, even when you have not started it, and most times it becloud you with the negative aspect of it. The possible way you can always confront your fear is to ensure that the negative aspect doesn’t exit and focus more on the positive side, because at the end, it is the result you are able to produce that people would see, not even thinking that there were negative side to it. Everything you desire in life is possible, you are in the only position to make it possible. Therefore, you must face your fear today and risk is the most of it and see what becomes of your tomorrow. You will succeed! Happy new week.

Written by: Peter Odianosen Eromosele

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