Opinion: Nigerian Women Cheat More Than The Men?

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The eternal debate on who cheats more between men and women was recently given more attention in the Nigerian media space. Of course, there were certain happenings that warranted this recent interest, as there’s hardly a smoke without a fire.

When a married woman decides to say that her husband ought to have asked her the father of their child – a child she gave birth to in their home – you’ll understand the need for certain worries. The story of OAP Nedu of Wazobia FM and his annoying ex-wife, is no longer news.

It’s one thing to practice infidelity, and it’s another thing to talk down on the spouse you cheated on. I am just wondering about the possibility of asking my wife the father of our child when she comes out of the labour room.  It would be a total disrespect and insult to her person.

But the ex-wife of Nedu, has made us understand that the question is necessary. This made someone on social media echo out a sentence that seemed to be saying this:

“Nigerian women cheat more than the men.”

What was his exact statement?

“As bad as they say men are, we have never given the wrong child to any woman,” he said.

It has brought people to the table of unending debates which will continue for days to come. The women are giving reasons and instances that will make a woman cheat.

“A woman only cheats when her man is not treating her well,” someone said.

“If you don’t give her attention, she is free to cheat on you,” another lady added.

You find out that, although they’re funny statements, they’re realities about the minds and thought processes of some women. Why can’t you leave a man who’s starving you of happiness? Why cheat on him?

So, it should be known that women cheat voraciously, in the same manner, some men cheat. 

It is, and will always be a sin to say that men cheat more than women – they are of equal ratio in the chambers of this transgression.

Written by: Edward Amah

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