Opinion: The Federal Government is Sponsoring Boko Haram?

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    It is extremely annoying when you realize that those who are meant to protect you, are in need of protection themselves.

    It eventually makes you understand that nowhere is safe for you. When the Armed Forces are being decimated by “unknown gunmen,” what assurance do we have as the civilian citizens who are being protected?

    Recently, Gunmen invaded the Afaka barracks of the Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna, around 1 am, killing two soldiers identified as Lieutenant Commodore Wulah and Flight Lieutenant Okoronwo. The raid also came with the abduction of Major Stephen Dantong, for whom they have demanded a ransom of N200 million. 

    Lieutenant Okoronwo & Pregnant wife

    The news also had it that ‘’2Lt Onah sustained gunshot injury and is currently receiving treatment at own hospital in NDA.’’

    According to Vanguard: “Also reacting to the attack, the Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Lucky Irabor, said the incident was worrisome, adding that the military was looking into it with keen interest.

    Major General Irabor, who did not rule out insider collaboration, said the military authorities would get to the root of the attack.

    His reaction came at a one-day interactive session with retired senior military officers from the North-East zone at the 23 Armoured Brigade in Yola., Adamawa State.”

    The outrage of citizens could be understood, as many believe the Government is treating the Boko Haram group with soft hands. “These unknown Gunmen are Boko Haram terrorists,” someone said on Facebook.

    His opinion is not different from that of many citizens who are beginning to think that these unknown gunmen are Boko Haram terrorists. And it brings us to the question of why the Government isn’t doing enough to curb the menace.

    A certain individual asked a question some time ago, and this, like other assumptions, are weakening the minds of many. The question was this:

    “Are there politicians in the Nigerian Government indirectly involved with the Boko Haram?”

    We do not have the answers to this question and other ones. We are earnestly hoping, and praying that the Government will equip our soldiers enough to fight this far.

    Written by: Edward Amah

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