Renowned Nollywood filmmaker Obi Emelonye premiered his latest project CRAZY, LOVELY, COOL feature series at the Ritzy Brixton, London on November 4th.
Nollywood actors featured in the coming of age TV series woven with music, looking into the lives, struggles, and happiness of a group of charismatic students whose paths cross on the campus of Nigeria’s largest university through the shocking revelations of an eponymous gossip blog include: Enyinna Nwigwe, Adesua Etomi, Uru Eke, Zynnell Zuh, Anthony Monjaro.
Family, friends and fans came to enjoy the first time ever debut of the anticipated TV series. After the event, Obi Emelonye said…
“Thanks to Abi, Trace and the Royal African Society for the honour. Thank you to our staunch supporters (I call them the usual suspects) who joined the festival audience to appreciate our labour of love.
To be the first to watch all the 10 hour-long episodes of Crazy, Lovely, Cool and other exclusive music, films and series; download the TracePlay app. To get 2 weeks free, use promo code FIBG | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! FOLLOW US FOR MORE GREAT STORIES Twitter: @African_Glitz Facebook: @AfricanGlitz Instagram: @AfricanGlitz