Russia Moves To Defend Nigeria Against Insurgency

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Russian President, Vladimir Putin has finally said enough to Nigeria’s local security problem that has been a cankerworm for more than a decade now. The President gave an assurance to the Nigerian ambassador to Russia, Mr. Abdullahi Shehu during a meeting on Thursday, December 2,2021.

Vladimir Putin made his support for Nigeria against boko haram clear to the ambassador who brought a credence letter before him in the Grand Kremlin Palace as the insurgency has been proving a hard nut to crack in the north eastern Nigeria.

He further gave the ambassador confidence that Russia will raise her sledge hammer against terrorism in Nigeria as far as He has been officially notified.

The Russian President again spoke on bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Russia, pointing out that there shall be negotiations on topical matters which will assist in global stability.

According to the Guardian, Putin further stated how Russia has been open to mutually benefitting from partnerships with countries without segregation. That all of these are due to recognition and equality for each other’s interest while paying attention to the law of not interfering in the internal affairs of one another.

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