Stride for safety: Divas of Colour International Women’s Festival against sexual abuse

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In 2019, sexual abuse is a pressing topic for Divas of Colour. As part of our mission, as you may know, the organisation use its platform to create awareness each year as part of their practical women empowerment program.

Tagged stride for safety, as Divas of Colour, click 6 years we will be having lectures and panel talks through January and March to bring knowledge-based awareness on the topic of sexual abuse, whether of young girls, boys or women, whether at home, school, place of work or any other. We believe that when people are equipped with information, they’re better able to stay safe, therefore cutting down on the catastrophe of sexual abuse as well as arming victims to break the silence.There’s always a choice. To protect our young boys and girls, to make sure women are safe in their environment and to help victims break the silence. Or we can pretend these things are not happening.

2019 Divas of Colour is really for everyone. Man, woman, boys, girls, young and old. With information and knowledge, there’s healthy living.

A whopping 60% of UK population do not know what rape really is!
A whopping 1 in 20 girls in UK has experienced sexual abuse.
65 of the times sexual abuse is carried out by those we trust and are familiar with. Often times a member of the family or a friend.

The question is :

What is sexual abuse?
Who are the perpetrators?
Why do people choose to abuse sexually?
How can you spot this happening?
How does it affect the victim and family?
How can this be prevented?
How can victims heal?
What do survivors have to say?
Who is at risk?
Where does this usually occur?
What are the statistics?
Many questions to ask and answer at our 2019 lectures.Together we can fight this social menace and give power back to victims as we help others to #stride4safety.

We’re interested in hearing from survivors whether anonymously or in their names. Let’s break the silence and help others to stride in safety.

Be part of it, share the hashtag – #Divasofcolour2019
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter- @DivasofColour 
LinkedIn- @divas-of-colour 
Visit our website now to join the conversation.

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