‘The Long Song’ – A 3 Part Drama on Slavery Currently Showing on BBC 1 Is One Not To Be Missed

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‘The Long Song’ a drama based on slavery launched on BB1 last night, Dec 18 and is one everyone in the UK should watch. Based on a historical novel by Andrea Levy published in 2010, the drama will leave you heartbroken and make you laugh again the next minute.

Told from a young slaves point of view, the story is set on a sugarcane plantation in colonial Jamaica in the final horrific days of slavery and uncertain early days of freedom, something that sets it apart from other slave drama and movies we all know.

(c) tv.bt.com

Sir Lenny Henry, who is also a star from the drama said he wants the show to create a national conversation about the UK’s involvement in the slave trade.

“When you make something you want it to be part of the national conversation and I think this will evoke a conversation about the past.

“We’re in a place where racism is on the agenda – Black Lives Matter, and also this idea of knowing (that) if you don’t know what happened, you’re not going to know what’s happening.

“We need to look at the past so we can think about what happens going forward. Slavery is still happening, so we need to watch these things and be informed going forward.” He said.

Lenny Henry also wants schools to teach colonial Britain’s complicity in the slave trade.

The Long song stars Tamara Lawrence as spirited slave girl called July who was forcely taken from her mother and remained ‘Marguerite’ against her will.

Starring a cast of British Black talent including which includes; Tamara Lawrence, Sir Lenny Henry, Sharon Duncan Brewster, Arinze Kene amongst others.

If you missed the first part from BBC1 drama last night, be sure to catch the part two tonight and let us know what you think of the drama.


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