The mother of Wizkid’s first child has published a series of posts discrediting his reputation as a good father

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Oluwanishola, the mother of Wizkid’s first child has put the singer on blast for being a “social media daddy”. Oluwanishola said Wizkid missed 7 of his son’s birthdays, is not present in his life, delay payment of his fees and other needs, among other things.

Using a series of lengthy posts on Instagram, Oguda Oluwanishola, the mother of Tife, set out to prove that the Wizkid singer was only giving the world the impression that he was a good dad, when in fact he had been nothing of the sort.

Oluwanishola has said that Wizkid, whose real name is Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, has not been present for any of Tife’s seven birthdays.

She has also said that the 28-year-old only tattooed his son’s name on himself to appear as a caring father.

Oluwanishola wrote: “You tattooed his name so the world can see you as a loving daddy, I always wondered why you were always so quick to send clothes and shoes. Little did I know that all that was for appearances.

“Even the Star Boy chain and the other jewellery you claimed you got for him, did you or did you not collect it back?”

Commenters have criticised both Oluwanishola and Wizkid. Oluwanishola also posted numerous screenshots of the couple’s conversations. However, Wizkid has replied with the post below.

The entire collection of posts can be viewed on Oluwanishola’s Instagram page. | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! 
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