The Viral Video is Legit! Nnamdi Kanu to hold Press Broadcast in 24 Hours says Ifeanyi Ejiofor his Lawyer

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Ifeanyi Ejiofor is the lawyer of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)Nnamdi Kanu, after he said he couldn’t tell if the viral video of IPOB leader was real or not revealed his client will hold a press broadcast within 24 hours.

The Cable reports that Ejiofor said this in a statement he finally confirmed the authenticity of the photos and videos showing Kanu in Jerusalem.

Photos and videos showing the IPOB leader had circulated on social media on Friday, he was seen dressed in white while praying in Jerusalem.

Ejiofor said Nnamdi Kanu, in the broadcast, will address how he escaped the invasion of his home by the Nigerian military in Abia State.

Mr Ejiofor said:

‘I woke up yesterday to scintillating news making round the social and online media to the effect that my client (Nnamdi Kanu) was sighted in Jerusalem during a prayer session.
Initially, I wanted to disbelieve it but for the source, struggling at the same time to come to reality that God has kept to His Promises after the murderous invasion of his home on the 14th day of September 2017, by rampaging Nigerian Soldiers, that saw the horrific blood carnage witnessed in his home on this black day.
But the God of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob has put enemies to shame, by the development of yesterday. I cannot forget in a haste the anxiety that had enveloped me for this past 13 months .The anxiety over the uncertainty of his safety after my last contact with him on the 14th day of September 2017. A day I can never forget for the rest of my life.
On the face of this cheerful news staring on my face, I immediately intensified effort to ascertain the veracity or otherwise of the video clip. Only, this morning, I received a direct confirmation from my client, hearing once from him after 13 months in captivity.
I am very delighted therefore, to use this singular opportunity to announce to the world that my client is the very person seen in the pictures/video. That I can confirm authoritatively.
Furthermore, the shocking tale of how he made it alive once again will be made public in his scheduled world press broadcast to be beamed live within the next 24 hours.

The general public and indeed the world is advised to keep a date with this broadcast. The world will now hear from the horse’s mouth, the gory accounts of what happened in my client’s home on the 14th day of September 2017, only tomorrow.

Thank you all for your prayers which had sustained him throughout the period of 13 months in captivity. To His most Mighty name shall all the glory be ascribed unto.
It’s not yet over for the Nigerian Soldiers, because they are still under a compelling duty to offer explanation to the court why they moved their Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) into the home of my client on the 14th day of September 2017 and the genocidal massacre of over 50 (fifty) members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in my client’s home’.
He concluded. | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! 
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