Unforgettable Horrific Scenes, That Will Continue To Be Part Of History As Far As The Earth Exists As U.S Marks 20th Anniversary Of 9/11 Terrorist Attack Survival

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September 11, 2021, is exactly 20 years since Osama Bin Laden led al-qaeda terrorists hijacked three commercial planes and attacked the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon killing 2,996 people (2,977 victims + 19 al-Qaeda terrorists) in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

The terrorists were raised in Afghanistan when the Taliban was ruling the country and 20 years later, despite a 20-year war to get resolutions, billions of dollars spent, thousands of US soldiers killed, the country is now back to the Taliban’s rule with even more equipment and armoury under their control.

As America and its allies remember this day, here are some photos of the traffic event that bring to mind the constant threat terrorists will always pose to civilized Nations.

People run as one of the towers of the World Trade Center collapses in New York City.
After the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center, Kelly Guenther grabbed her camera gear and ran to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade that overlooks the New York Harbor and the skyline of Lower Manhattan to snap the second plane.
“America is under attack,” -White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispers into the ear of US President George W. Bush as Bush was visiting an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida, on the morning of September 11.
A man falls from one of the towers of the World Trade Center.
People carry the Rev. Mychal F. Judge, the chaplain of the New York City Fire Department, after he was fatally struck by falling debris at the World Trade Center.
Marcy Borders stands covered in dust as she takes refuge in a New York City office building after one of the towers collapsed.
First responders assist people in the immediate aftermath of the World Trade Center’s collapse.
One of the towers of the World Trade Center collapses on September 11.
People make their way through smoke, dust and debris on New York’s Fulton Street, about a block from the collapsed towers on September 11.
People walk across the Brooklyn Bridge as they flee Lower Manhattan on September 11.
Women react as they witness the collapse of the World Trade Center’s South Tower, about a half-mile away on Canal Street.
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