Wives of London movie Directed by UK based Nollywood filmmaker, Nelson Spyk premieres on the 30th of December 2017. The movie is a satire about relationships and showcases African art and culture.
The movie was written and produced by Rita Akpojator. Directed by Nelson Spyk and feature UK based international actors such as; Ruke Amata, Princess Rita, Lady Dorcas, Nancy Akpofure, Judy Akuta, Maestro Tchangoum, Layo Awolo, Neli Kings, Tiya among others.
The premiere night and end of the year ball will take place at Xclusive VIP Lounge, High street, Kew Gardens.
Red carpet kicks off at 7 PM
There will be a 3 Course African Buffet and 3 DJ’s on rotation. It will be a night to celebrate the beauty of African art and culture.
Date: Saturday, Dec, 30th 2017
Venue: Xclusive VIP Lounge, High Street Kew Gardens, London, TW8 0BB
Click here for Tickets
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