Zimbabwe Returning to the International Stage!

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Zimbabwe Eeconomy

This year marks a turning point for Zimbabwe’s economy and its people.  The country is on the brink of finalising an historic deal which will end a decade and half of sanctions and unlock substantial new funds for economic growth and development. At the heart of this are the negotiations between the Zimbabwe government and the IMF and World Bank launched last year at an international summit in Peru.

The arrangements, in which the African Development Bank (AfDB) will play a leading role, are designed to clear Zimbabwe’s $1.8 billion arrears to international financial institutions and enable the country to raise new funding for important development projects.

The target date for completion of the agreement is June and will involve some African states, notably Algeria, offering to lend Zimbabwe money to repay its arrears. Beyond the key officials in Zimbabwe and in the international financial Institutions, this financial initiative has won broad international backing from the African Union, China, Japan and the European Union.

Africa Confidential, the leading source of quality analysis about Africa is organising a high-level one-day conference to examine the implications and potential.

Zimbabwe 2016: rebooting and rebuilding
City of London
July 5th 2016

Key speakers include:

• Dr John Mangudya – Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
• Patrick Chinamasa – Minister of Finance
• Dr Obert Mpofu – Minister of Macro-economic Planning and Investment Promotion
• Mr Mike Bimha – Minister of Industry and Commerce

For further information, and to register for an early bird discount (book before 27th May) please contact John Bulmer either by email or calling+44 (0)1638 743 633.

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